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Prairie Post Obituary Index

Maroa Public Library has copies of "The Prairie Post" Newspapers from 1958 - 1989, and some copies of the paper's predecessor, the "Maroa Post". The following links contain an index to the obituaries found in these papers. The Main Index, from "The Prairie Post", is sorted by the name of the deceased. Three additional sorts are provided by the deceased's Maiden Name, Father's Name and Mother's name, when that information was included in the obituary. One sort is provided of the obituaries found in the "Maroa Post" by the name of the deceased. Every effort has been made to transcribe the information from the newspapers into the index as accurately as possible. However, the information printed in the original text may have contained some errors. If so, these errors will also be present in the index.
Maroa Post Index
(Opens with Microsoft Word)
Index (Opens with MIcrosoft Excel)
Maiden Name Sort
Father's Name Sort
Mother's Name Sort
If you would like a copy of the original obituary, please send your request (including the deceased's full name and the paper date), a self addressed stamped envelope, and $2.00 to the following address:
Maroa Public Library
Prairie Post Look Up
P.O. Box 620
Maroa, IL 61756.
Please keep in mind that the obituary printed in the newspaper may or may not include any additional information!!
Looking for an online resource? ProQuest offers Newspaper Archives for a fee. Click here to find out more.
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